Reporting Staff - Leatherbound
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Lady workers in the General Conference office, Winter of 1939-40: First row: Genevieve Melendy, Matilda Wyatt, Thelma Wellman, Mildred Davis, Esther Kuckenmeister, Minnie and Mintie Truitt, Edna Helms, June Bender-Norton, Mary Paul, Lizzie Gregg; Second row: Frances Nowlin, Evelyn Wells, Margaret Elliott, Irma Lee Hewett, Marion Nyman, Bethel Rice, Erna Borm, Mary Scott; Third row: Alice La Bonte, Hazel Peter, Louise Meyer, Mrs. Irene Walters, Margaret Weir, Marion MacNeil, Mable Hinkhouse, Mrs. Marjorie Marsh; Fourth row: T. Rose Curtis, Katie Farney, Dolly Long, Mrs. Lottie Quinn, Mrs. Nell Hunter, Mrs. Maye Higgins, Mrs. Crisman, Alice Love, Edna Edeburn, Louise Surface, Mrs. Flora Williams; Fifth row: Mrs. LaVerne Case, Hazel Shadel, Mrs. Olivia Lockwood, Ora Williams, Stella Fleisher, Margeurite Perkins, Elsie Winders, Rosamond Ginther, Kathryn Haynal?, Esther Benton, Dorothy Ford, Mrs. Helen Porter, Marie Mooney. Winter 1939-40


| 1/29/2018